Monday, March 23, 2009

There is an Inexpensive Way.

The computer age has made a lot of things assessable to the general population. Think about it, just a few short years ago if you needed to research something it meant a trip to the library and hours and hours of pouring over stacks and stacks of books. No longer. All one needs is access to the internet and a world of knowledge is just a click away.

The digital age also changed advertising and it’s assessability to the public. Used to be if you wanted to have an ad designed it was a long and labor-intensive process. First you met with an advertising account executive and discussed your idea. Then a few days or weeks later you would again meet and look at some marker comps of your ideas. Once you decided on one the photography, illustration and typesetting would begin. After all the pieces were assembled then the ad would go into production and a full size, full color piece would be completed and photographed, separated and sent to the various publications you wanted it to appear in. This was a very expensive process involving many well-trained people each with his own specialty.

Then in the mid 80’s the computer opened up the design world to rest of us. Sadly desktop publishing as it was known back then gave many the tools but not the training to produce ads, brochures, and promotional pieces. Even today you see direct mail pieces and brochures designed by someone working in Microsoft Word.

The old adage that even bad advertising is effective isn’t always true. Do you really want your business to put across the feeling to your potential clients that you are working out of a closet in your basement even if you are?

“But I can’t afford to contract an ad agency to do my advertising,” you may say. “After all, I am just a small business.” Not to worry. The digital age has made affordable talent available to everyone no matter how small of a business they run.

Enter the Creative Project Manager (that's me). The CPM meets with you, the business owner, and assesses your needs. He then maps out a plan of action and once agreed upon pulls together a team of professional freelance talent to complete the project. You pay only for the time spent on the project and the materials used. No retainer fees, no monthly payouts to an agency, no financing fancy offices. In return you get the same level of quality as the big ad agencies provide at a fraction of the cost. You work with a team you helped chose and you can customize the size of your project to your budget.

Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it. Give it a try I know you’ll be pleased with the results and your business will look like the fortune 500 companies. Call me at 913.677.7060 if I can be of service to you.

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