Monday, March 23, 2009

Enough is Enough!

Enough is enough! I’m sick and tired of hearing how “bad” things are right now. I can’t turn on the TV, cruise the internet or listen to the radio without being bombarded with how bad things are and with it the constant finger pointing. Who IS to blame? Well when it gets right down to it, we as individuals are.

We are responsible for our attitudes and how we look at things. If we see bad we will experience bad. Some where some time ago somebody said a recession is coming. Then as he dwelled on the negative he told others how bad things were going to get. Then that group of people grew larger until before you knew it the stock market took a dive and the housing market fell. People stopped buying, cats and dogs started living in sin together…well you get the drift.

Negative attitudes have a snowball effect. We as individuals have the control over ourselves. There is no “Devil made me do it” get off scot-free card. We and we only control what we think. We can be negative and see this economic glass half empty or we can see the opportunities that are really there.

Take advertising right now. Most small companies as well as the bigger ones are cutting back on advertising. Advertising rates on practically all the media are going at bargain basements rates right now. Now’s the time for small businesses to expand their advertising, tell their story, and expand their market so that when the economy begins an upswing they will be positioned better than ever in their market.

We can make the difference. By helping each other, partnering with each other, and sharing our expertise with one another, we, yes WE, the people can get the economy off its butt and up and running again. Its time for us at the bottom of the food chain to make the difference and not wait on trickle down. For once we should take control and generate the wealth, reap the benefits, and then let what’s left trickle up.

But how can I do that? I’m just one person with little or no resources. Start with your thinking. Remember the phrase, “Whatever you can believe and conceive you can achieve?” Well that not just some little diddy some sales manager thought up to motivate his sales force. It is a scientific fact. It’s called the Thomas Theorum: Whatever a person believes is real in its consequences. In other words if you fear the future it will become something to fear. If you see opportunity, prosperity, and good times ahead it will happen for you. If we collectively think positive about the future it will happen that much sooner. If we as a nation would start thinking positive about the future being great starting today buy the end of the week you would see results.

So you and I, the individual, have a patriotic duty to the future of our country to begin to affect the change in the economy beginning with our attitude. Eliminate the can’t do’s and no’s in your life and replace them with “why not”. Why not make that cold call? Why not approach that potential client, why not try that new system you heard about? Let’s invest in ourselves, our neighbor’s and our friends and less in the unknown. Let’s devote our time to our communities and our networks to positively effect our country’s recovery. Let’s rededicate ourselves to the ideals that made this country the greatest on earth, the ability to overcome any obstacle in our way through a positive attitude.

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