Monday, April 13, 2009

I just don't get it

I know things are tight. The economy is very slow and people are not spending like they used to. Instead they are making very deliberate decisions on how and when and on what they spend their money. It makes a lot of sense especially in this economic climate. The thing I don’t get is that so many businesses have stopped advertising and marketing as part of their cost cutting. I understand turning out lights, adjusting the thermostat, doing without buying a new delivery truck or hiring new people. I can see why a small business would shop around their insurance needs, look for a lower cost space or for go buying new equipment for a while until things get better. However, advertising and marketing is what brings customers in.

Maybe most small businesses don’t need new customers or more revenue. If that’s the case why are we in a recession? Eighty per cent of our GNP is supplied by small businesses so why isn’t the economy booming if the majority of our producers (small business) are doing just fine. I just don’t believe that’s the case.

Now is not the time to pull back on advertising and marketing. Getting people in the front door is a small businesses life-blood. Without customers you might as well close the doors and go home. I don’t think that’s why most started a small business. They started it to succeed and have some control over how much they make. Advertising and marketing is key to both success and controlling your income. The more you advertise and market your business, the more customers, the more business, and the more profits you will have.

Now that doesn’t mean you just go out and throw money at your advertising and marketing. You still need to research, decide on a marketing plan, and watch carefully your expenditures and the return you get for them. I know you already are the bookkeeper, salesman, maintenance guy, and the janitor so you don’t need to take on yet another hat.

There is a way to effectively and inexpensively increase your advertising and marketing. You need to partner with a Creative Project Manager. A CPM will meet with you. Help you plan a strategy, help you pick a creative team that is just right for your needs and supervise the work from concept to completion of the project. Once the project is completed the team you’ve created with your CPM is at your service for the next project and so on. In the mean time you just pay for the work completed. You get great creative from a wonderful group of freelance talent and you save a lot of money over an ad agency or marketing firm.

If this sounds like a solution you have been looking for please call me at 913.677.7060 and let’s talk about increasing your presence in your target market. I am a Creative Project Manager with more than twenty years experience in the business. I am here to be of service to you and your business. Give me a call and let’s talk.